DVD Review: "Once"
![]() "Once" is a very special film. Not just because it managed to beat Disney's thrice nominated "Enchanted" for best song at the Oscars (although that was a pretty wonderful moment in Oscar history), but because this is just a nice story of love. It's a story of how music can bring two different people together, and how through their music you can learn about their past. To me "Once" is a musical film similar to "Before Sunrise" (one of my favorite films of all time). Where "Before Sunrise" has the two main characters conversing through the entire film, using the dialogue to learn about each other, "Once" uses songs, and incredible songs at that. I've been a fan of The Frames for years now, and it's great to see lead singer Glen Hansard sing with the same intensity and energy that he does with his band, only this time playing a street musician. It is while his character (named "Guy" in the credits) is performing on the street that he meets singer/songwriter Marketa Irglova's character ("Girl"). As Guy learns that Girl plays piano their bond grows as they begin to work on music together. I don't want to give away the entire story so I'll leave the description at that. "Once", is a magical musical, one that doesn't feel like a typical musical, as the songs are not just broken into in the midst of a conversation, there's no choreographed dance moves during the songs, rather the cast and writer/director John Carney, do a good job of keeping this movie feeling personal, organic, and independent. I suspect if this had been made in the Hollywood studio system it would have been an entirely different film, and far less compelling. In my opinion "Once" is a flawless film and just beautiful in every way. I highly recommend this film. www.foxsearchlight.com/once |