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Newsletter 6-6-16

Hi Everyone,'s Acoustic Summer Concert Series at Espresso Joe's kicks off this Saturday, June 11th, with acoustic sets from Casino Sundae, The Accelerators, and September’s Ghost!

The show is free, all ages, and starts at 7pm sharp.

Espresso Joe's is at 50 West Front Street, in Keyport, NJ.


Latest Updates on &

RECOMMENDATION: Suit of Lights - "Break Open the Head"
RECOMMENDATION: The Anderson Council - "Assorted Colours"
Outliers & Cold Fires (recommendation): American Trappist - "No Bibles"
RECOMMENDATION: goldwoman - "songs i recorded in my bathroom"
RECOMMENDATION: Empty Houses - "Daydream"
Outliers & Cold Fires (recommendation): Closer to Home - "Good Days"
RECOMMENDATION: September's Ghost - "Drawn to the Satellites"
RECOMMENDATION: Tony Appleseed - "Color Blind"
Outliers & Cold Fires (recommendation): KC Roemer - "strings me along"
RECOMMENDATION: Steve Poltz - "folksinger"
RECOMMENDATION: ManDancing - "everyone else"
MUSIC VIDEO: The Teen Age - "Backwards"
MUSIC VIDEO: Dentist - "Meet You There (In Delaware)"
MUSIC VIDEO: Sarah Donner - "Perfect Time"
MUSIC VIDEO: Cinema Star - "Attractive"


Lazlo’s Corner

As many of you know I have been working through the bureaucratic red tape to try to get the provision for small internet broadcasters put back into the Copyright Royalty Board's decision that was handed down the end of last year. That decision is what caused Live365 to go under, and hence's internet station component.

Well, there is some good news and bad news.

The bad news, as I found out from extensive conversations with someone in Senator Cory Booker's office (who has been very helpful, by the way), is that when the Copyright Royalty Board held its open hearings last year, no one testified on behalf of small broadcasters. Live365 said they weren't invited, which I have found out is true...but misleading. The hearings are open to anyone testifying. No one is invited, you had to just contact and say you wished to testify. Apparently Live365, and other small broadcaster services, failed to testify, and no one that did testify mentioned the provision for small broadcasters, so the Copyright Royalty Board could not include the provision as part of their decision.

Lesson learned, apparently I have to keep track of Copyright Royalty Board hearings, and have to trek down to DC to testify to ensure that someone brings up the importance of the provision for small broadcasters. Sadly, I am not the most well versed in this, I am just a hobbyist broadcaster, but I've been thrust in to being more active in this aspect since my station went off the air several months ago.

Of course the Copyright Royalty Board will not meet again to discuss the rates for nearly five years.

This leaves the only option to get that provision back in the near future would be for Congress to pass a bill reinstating the provision.

The good news is, I am in talks with someone who works for a congressperson who is in a subcommittee position that could start such a bill. I will keep you updated as talks continue.

The road is long, and the partisanship of Congress, makes this path seem especially challenging, but it is important to me to keep this fight going, not just for me (or thousands of other small broadcasters), but even more so for the indie musicians who I played on my station that have lost one of the few places they had to be heard.



This week on Presents New NJ Music we have new music from:

1. Tony Appleseed - "type 0>type 1" from "Color Blind"
2. Miss Ohio - "Whippoorwill Road" from "Live at WFDU (Acoustic)"
3. Long Neck - "long walk home'" from "long walk home"
4. Psychodynamic - "Number 5, With A Bullet, Welcome (demo)" from "What Of It​?​: Part II: Demo"
5. Dodgson - "Second Skin" from "Demonstration"
6. thee trebleros - "When Am I Going To Make A Living" from "Free Drinks $20 Toilets"
7. Spoiled Peaches - "Not Buried Yet (FP DEMO)" from "The Admiral Saved My Life"
8. Ben From Naked Ant - "Eight Of Spades (11​/​9​/​14)" from "Shit From Soundcloud 1"
9. Rabbit Troupe - "Got Glass In My Head So What'" from "Second Lady Fluoride Calhoun"
10. hillside - "flowers'" from "by a thread"
11. Caisy Falzone - "Your Time" from "Your Time"
12. Arcadia, Forever - "August 18, 2013" from "Arcadia, Forever"
13. Delicate Flowers - "Vaseline" from "Happy Accidents"
14. Wrestling Moves - "Shapeshifter 101" from "Posthumous"
15. Lake St. Helens - "water divided (separation anxiety)" from "A LIFE WELL​-​LIVED IN MONOCHROME"

Click here to listen:


This week on Lazlo's Den Presents New Music Week we have new music from:

1. The Krickets - "Guinevere" from "Spanish moss Sirens"
2. Ben de la Cour - "Anybody Like You" from "Midnight in Havana"
3. The Movement - "Golden (feat. Elliot Martin)" from "Golden"
4. Empty Houses - "Daydream" from "Daydream"
5. Earth Heart - "Homesick" from "Homesick"
6. Kerosene Stars - "Any Other Way" from "a million little trees"
7. Cold Collective - "Away From You" from "Bachelorette Party"
8. DZ Deathrays - "Blood On My Leather"" from "Blood On My Leather"
9. Andy Frasco & the U.N. - "Tie You Up" from "Happy Bastards"
10. Josh Hoyer and Soul Colossal - "What We Got" from "Running From Love"
11. The Maytags - "Marry Ya" from "Love Lines"
12. Esmé Patterson - "Feel Right" from "We Were Wild"
13. The Wild Lips - "This Might Be My Breakdown" from "Shameless"
14. The Ragbirds - "Cosmos" from "The Threshold & The Hearth"
15. The Accidentals - "Parking Lot" from "Parking Lot"

Click here to listen:



That's all for this week folks.
